We were so blessed to be back in India from December first to December twenty-third of this past year. God blessed our trip, and we loved every moment that He gave us. We spent our time visiting different villages to distribute blankets and share God's love. We shared messages God gave us with our people and pastors and then provided a meal to share together with the whole village. We held two pastors conferences and hosted a number of village Christmases. We were privileged to hold village Christmases in new villages that had never previously heard about the birth of Jesus Christ. We also were able to distribute some toys to the children and one member from our team brought lots of candy to share with the children and all those he met. Thanks to one of our partners for sponsoring Bibles. We were also able to distribute Bibles to very happy believers that had been praying for them. Thank you to every sponsor for your generosity and constant prayers for being part of God's work in India.