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Prayer Request
- Jeevan Babu Olesu
"And the child grew and became strong in spirit and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel." - Luke 1:80
Do you like being alone with God? Many times if we are alone we feel lonely and instantly search for a way to not be alone. However, it is often these very places where we feel alone that God can use to help us have an intimate relationship with Him.
Luke 1:80 says, "And the child grew and became strong in spirit and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel." Here 'WIlDERNESS' or 'DESERT' means 'ALONE' and a Place where God reveals Himself to the one who is about to go to the people for Him. Before John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord Jesus, God had to prepare him in the desert. John's town or
village was in the hill country of Jude. (1:39). I personally believe every man of God has the same experience from the Lord before he goes for His work (may be not on the mountains but in their places quiet time with God). By the grace of our God, I had this kind of experience from the Lord. There is a small mountain nearby my village which is really very quiet place to worship God. I call this mountain A Bible Training Center or School. When I was a child, all our classmates would take meals, go , play games and had our meals there. There was spring water on this mountain too. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord, this mountain became a place of worship for me. I would go there early in the mornings and evenings (sometimes even nights)and spend much time in prayer. This's where God would speak to me through His spirit by using His word. I will never forget those times in my life. That wilderness or desert experience with the Lord has opened the doors for outreach gospel. Whenever I stood before the people to share the word, they were touched by the word and amazed at my speeches thinking how I got that kind of messages without bible training. Jesus loved to be lonely and went out to mountainside every night where He spent time in prayer. "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" Luke 5:16. "One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God" Luke 6:12. "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed" Mark 1:35. Yes, it is a very quiet place to worship and praise God and a place to learn many things directly from God. Whenever I read the above mentioned verse about John the Baptist, I remember my life preparation. I've been so blessed. Hallelujah!!!
When you feel like you are alone, please remember how God uses that time to help us hear His voice and listen to Him. Don't be discouraged, but recognize that God may be preparing you for what will happen next. God's school does not look like the school of the world. His teaching is soft and quiet, we must learn to listen on our knees. The more time you spend with Him, the more you will be strengthened. When you feel battered by the world, it is good to learn to run to a quiet place to spend time with God. Just like a soldier receives a lot of military training before going to battle, a Christian receives training through reading the Bible and praying quietly with the Lord. May today's verse echo in your heart, and may you find encouragement.
Our Heavenly Father,
Thank You for meeting us in the quiet place and refreshing us in Your presence. Please help us learn to run to You, fall on our knees, and be in the habit of prayer. When we feel like we are in the wilderness or the desert may we remember that those are places You use to teach us. Please fill our lives with prayer before we go to the people to make a way for You. Amen.