Distribution of Bibles
We believe that we should feed the people both spiritually and physically as Jesus often did in His ministry. We provide the spiritual food through sharing the Gospel of Jesus and instructing and teaching the believers with the Word of God. Since many of the people who come to the meetings come from far and remote areas, we want to make sure we feed them physically before they return home. We want to show our church family and guests our deep love. Providing for both their soul through the Word of God and for their body through feeding the people is one way of showing God's love in action. Preparing the food is very difficult. The women carry the water from the well and the food is cooked over fires using sticks. When it rains, the sticks are wet and that makes it even more difficult to cook. We praise the Lord for the servant hearts of our team members who work diligently to prepare the food and serve the people. On this page are pictures and videos to show the preparation of the food and serving the food to the people.
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10