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Be Obedient Children

- Jeevan Babu Olesu

"Woe to the obstinate children,” declares the Lord, “to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin." - Isaiah 30:1

Part of parenting is giving advice and directing your child on a good path. How much more the Lord directs His children on a path that is good! Nothing breaks a parent’s heart like the disobedience of a child and seeing harm befall them because of poor choices. A child’s disobedience and disrespect brings shame and disgrace to the family and especially the parents. One

day some years ago when I was a child, my dad asked me to go and check on how the workers were doing in the fields. I said, “Okay.” But I went somewhere else to play a game with my friends that people gambled on. Then my father found out that I didn’t go to the field and was playing a game instead. He came to where I was playing carrying a small stick and began beating my back. I turned and saw that my father was there. I tried to run away, but my father caught my hand and said to me, “What did I tell you? What are you doing now?” Then he explained that work is much more important than a game. He said, “You can play while you are free, but if I say something you need to understand that is important for us.” This reminded me of the above verse, because this was a time I followed my plans and not the plans my father had for me.

The Lord God wanted His people to listen to Him. The above verse talks about the people of Israel. “Woe to the obstinate children” means those who don’t pay attention to God’s Word and His instructions. God is not only speaking to the Israelites here, but also to us today. He wanted them to obey Him, but they wanted to do their own plans. We also have this same problem. We make plans and forget to seek God first to see what His plans are. We choose to be disobedient children. That is why the Bible says, “Woe to the obstinate children.” God knows we get nothing apart from Him.


When we do not follow God’s instructions, we are “heaping sin upon sin.” We bring God’s judgment on ourselves. God longs for a relationship with us. He desires us to seek Him first and ask for Him to lead us. Verse two says, “who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt’s shade for refuge.” God was upset because His people were seeking protection and refuge from someone other than God. He wanted to be the one His people sought for help. He wanted to be the one they sought for protection and refuge. Looking to someone else was a betrayal.


Probably, we have made many resolutions and plans before in the past that we have failed to carry out. This year let’s seek God for His plans and make a resolution to carry out His plans. Doing so will bring blessings instead of woe. Obedient children always bring happiness and honor to their parents. God is waiting for us to turn to Him and ask Him for His plans this year. He wants to bless us with peace and joy. Make a commitment to follow Him as a family.



Dear Father, forgive us for failing to seek You and Your plans first. We have brought disgrace to Your name when we choose to do our will and not Your Will. Please help us seek You first and make us a people who live according to Your Spirit. Reveal Your plans and help us remain faithful to carry out Your plans for Your glory and honor. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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